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CLUB Bylaws

bylaws of lambretta club usa

EIN 94-3488526 

Adopted Oct 31, 2011

Updated February 6, 2023



Section 1.01 Definition

A Lambretta motor scooter is a two-wheeled Italian motor scooter first manufactured by Innocenti, starting in 1947. Presently, Lambrettas have many models and derivatives that have been produced under license by various manufactures around the world, even though Innocenti officially ceased to exist in 1972. The Lambretta Club USA honors all makes of Lambrettas that have been and are being produced today with the similar procedures and vehicle parts of Innocenti’s original vision. Because trademarked names can be purchased by vehicle and clothing companies, the LCUSA has the right to not deem certain motor scooters Lambrettas.


Section 1.02 Mission of LCUSA


  • To educate and facilitate the exchange of information and expertise to the public in the service and preservation of vintage Lambretta motor vehicles by providing the public answers and resources to Lambretta motor vehicles and all related concerns.

  • To raise awareness of the historical significance of Lambretta motor vehicles and the heritage associated with their development here in the United States of America.

  • To strive continually to promote the image of vintage Lambretta motor vehicles, in local communities and on state and national levels.

  • To support all efforts to improve the development and distribution of vintage Lambretta motor vehicles products and services, related to the preservation and use of the vehicles.

  • To support and seek to improve available vintage Lambretta motor vehicle products and services, and to refrain from attacking unfairly the products, services or methods of others.

  • To encourage members to refrain from the use of misleading advertising in the sale of vintage Lambretta motor vehicle products or services, and to be honest and fair in all exchanges.



Purpose of Bylaws


  1. As of February 6, 2023, these following revised bylaws will be the Bylaws of the Lambretta Club USA (LCUSA).

  2. The purpose of these bylaws is to preserve and protect the integrity and character of the LCUSA’s membership and mission.





  1. General membership meetings of the Lambretta Club USA shall be held at the yearly rally, the Lambretta Jamboree, and the general meeting announcement will be advertised to the membership in the listed Jamboree itinerary. If there is any change in the date, time, or location, there shall be an official announcement made at least 10 days prior to the meeting.

  2. The meeting shall be held at each Jamboree at an appointed location suitable to host our members’ present numbers.

  3. This meeting is optional, not mandatory and is held for any current member who wishes to attend.

  4. Executive Board members must notify the President for excused absences prior to the meeting and vice-versa.

  5. Any specific questions or issues that a current member may have they wish to discuss at the meeting must be submitted via private message on the forum, e-mail, or written letter prior to the meeting if it is to be addressed at the meeting. Ample time will be allotted to address questions or other concerns members may have. A post on the forum is not considered personally directed to the Executive Board and will not be honored. This rule ensures the legitimacy and confirmation of any requests. At any time, however, a member may contact the Executive Board for any questions or issues they may have.



Executive Board Members or Directors


  1. The Executive Board members shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be known as the Executive Board of Directors.

  2. The President and Vice President role in office shall last 4 years. Through the elections, these positions are filled.

  3. The Treasurer and Secretary will serve the Executive Board at the discretion of the currently elected President for the duration of the President's term.





  1. Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be known as officers.

  2. The President & Vice President must be elected by the members of the Lambretta Club USA. The Treasurer and Secretary positions are appointed by the current Executive Board to members wishing to fulfill these positions as they open.

  3. Voting will be held prior to the next membership meeting or by the method implemented by the Executive Board.

  4. Each officer has the right to step down at any point for any reason. He or she must first secure an Executive Board approved volunteer or another officer to perform his or her duties until the next member meeting. The membership vote to replace a departing officer will be held at the next meeting, by online poll when applicable, or the current voting method.

  5. Elected officers are not allowed to own a (scooter) shop, work at a shop, or be affiliated with any contributing (sponsorship) entity to hold his or her position. In other words, a candidate for a position must not have an association to a business that could in any way benefit from a relationship with the club.

  6. ​In the event of a tie between executive board members or directors (officers) regarding an official vote, the collective opinion of a quorum consisting of current Lambretta Club USA Ambassadors will act as the deciding vote. A quorum shall be defined as at least one-third or 33% of the currently serving Ambassadors; a good-faith effort to achieve 100% participation of the currently serving Ambassadors shall be constantly maintained. The collective opinion shall be defined as a vote requiring a simple majority of the quorum expressed in a verbal Yay or Nay, or a show of hands during an in-person ballot, or as a simple majority in an online poll hosted in the (or current official club website) member forums.



Duties of the Officers Section


6.01 President

Subject to the authority of the Executive Board, the President shall be the General Executive Head of the LCUSA. The President shall preside at all official meetings of the club with the Executive Board and preside at any committee meetings when needed. He shall be the VERBAL co-signer with any Executive Board member of all notes, checks, financial accounts, and other legal documents given on behalf of the club. In other words, any financial, legal issues, and official club activities the president shall be aware of. He/She shall have the power to call meetings of the Executive Board. Other duties include but are not limited to sharing information and content to members, vendors, and suppliers over various channels.


Section 6.02 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and access to all financial accounts, subject to the regulations of the Executive Board. He or she shall manage and receive all funds, can deposit funds in the name of the club in the designated bank or trust company, and keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements. He shall regularly enter a full and accurate account of all monies and obligations received or incurred by him or her on account of the club. He or she may also help the Secretary perform duties, subject to the needs of the Executive Board. He or she should present the financial re-cap for the yearly meeting with monetary breakdowns for the club and financial forecasts for the year. The club’s end-of-year date will be September to coincide after the Jamboree. A team of the Treasurer and Secretary, or just the Treasurer or Secretary, may be in charge of filing the yearly tax return.


Section 6.03 Secretary

The Secretary shall keep a record, containing alphabetically arranged names of all the members of the club, contact information, dates of sign up and renewal, and any additional information members provide. He or she shall assist in collecting all yearly dues from members. After dues are collected, it is their responsibility to ship any associated items out, including but not limited to magazines, patches, decals, postcards, etc. The Secretary shall have charge of such books, documents, and papers that pertain to the organization. Other duties include sharing information and content to members, vendors, and suppliers over various channels. He or she may also help the Treasurer perform duties, subject to the needs of the Executive Board. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the club and the Executive Board and answer membership questions from the Executive Board and club members.


Section 6.04 Vice President

At the request of the President, or in the event of his absence or disability, the Vice President may perform the duties and possess and exercise the powers of the President. To the extent authorized by our bylaws, the Vice President shall have such other powers as the Executive Board may determine and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board. Some duties may include but are not limited to public relations, preparing content to distribute to members, vendors, and suppliers. The Vice President may continue to perform the duties of the President while the Executive Board declares a vacancy and until a qualified replacement to serve as President is in place. The duties assigned by the Executive Board to the Vice President may vary due to activities in the club.





Section 7.01 General Volunteers

Even though the Executive Board is composed of volunteers, additional volunteers that have donated time for specific tasks during a Jamboree (such as ticket sales, merchandising, promotions, etc.) or special assignments (such as the club magazine, contest organization, promotions, etc.) are accountable to the Executive Board. These volunteers may step down at anytime they wish because their help is given of their own accord.


Section 7.02 Forum Moderator(s)

The Moderator is a user of the forum who is granted access to the threads and posts of the members for the purpose of moderating discussions to keep the forum free of negative or biased comments. Moderators will answer users' concerns about the forum and general questions, as well as respond to specific complaints whenever possible. They are expected to lend a helping hand to a forum user in need. Their job descriptions include deleting, editing, merging, and moving posts, threads and polls; locking threads; banning or suspending violating users; and issuing warnings. If an ordinary user takes a moderator-like tone in criticizing other members, the appointed moderator may correct this user or ban him or her. The Moderator will also manage the day-to-day affairs of the forum it applies to the stream of user contributions and interactions.


Section 7.03 Web Administrator

Web Administrators manage the technical details of the website and forum. Administrators often work with the Moderator(s), but they are not Moderators. Administrator’s duties include the following: create sections and sub-sections on the website or forum, perform database operations, make forum-wide announcements, and change the appearance (known as the skin) of a forum.


Section 7.04 Chairperson

If the Executive Board seems fit to have one, the Chairperson may sit in on meetings or discussions to offer his or her input or opinion. The member holding this position will be appointed by the Executive Board. This Chairperson should be aware of the club’s latest dealings and issues in order to give valid advice, opinions, or guidance. The chairperson’s duties may also range from representing a member in a dispute with the club to representing the club to the outside world.


Section 7.05 Club Store Merchant

Club Store Merchant is in charge of shipping merchandise purchased through the club store online and in person at all Jamborees. The Club Store Merchant shall arrange transportation of club store items to Jamborees and be in charge of all items during the Jamboree weekend. He or she will keep detailed records of all transactions and sales of the store throughout the year. He or she shall keep a detailed inventory of all items in the store. This position of Club Store Merchant is fulfilled after a member wishes to be the Club Store Merchant and the Executive Board approves this volunteer. The Executive Board may also recruit somebody they wish to have in this position. The Club Store Merchant may step down at any time they wish because their help is given of their own accord.



Election Procedures


Section 8.01 Candidacy

If a current member wishes to fill an Officer’s position that is currently held, that member must submit an official request and present it to the Executive Board for review. Once reviewed and all requirements are met, the Officers may grant permission for said member to announce his bid for election.


  • Any nomination to be officially recognized by the Executive Board will be presented to the Executive Board.

  • The member to be nominated must be a member of the club for a period of four consecutive years and needs to have attended, at a minimum, 3 Lambretta Jamborees.

  • In the event a vacancy in any office occurs, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Executive Board shall appoint a qualified member, in good standing, to the vacant position with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board, until that position becomes open during the next election.


Section 8.02 Ballots


  1. Ballots will be submitted electronically using the method designated by the Executive Board.

  2. All paper ballots, IF implemented, must be postmarked within 14 days of the election’s date.

  3. Ballots shall be counted and verified by our electronic system and a third nonaffiliated party will verify the results.


Section 8.03 New Officers

Newly elected officers shall take office at the end of yearly members’ meeting to ensure a smooth transition between outgoing and incoming officers.


Section 8.04 Removal of Officers

The Executive Board may remove Officers only whenever the action serves the best interests of the club, but such removal shall be done without prejudice.





Section 9.01 General Members


General members must:


  1. Pay dues once a year.

  2. Possess a valid license, insurance, and minimums set by his or her state to operate a motor scooter as the law requires in the member’s state of residence. A valid license is also needed if the member plans to ride at a sanctioned LCUSA event.



Dues Structure


  1. Annual dues are paid by each member once per year.

  2. Renewal notices are sent out via email by our software.

  3. Members who do not renew in a time frame set by the Secretary will be marked “inactive” and may lose their membership privileges.



Fiscal Year


The annual accounting period of Lambretta Club USA will be from October 1st through September 30th of the following year.



Amendments to the Bylaws


The bylaws of Lambretta Club USA may be amended after written notice of the proposed amendment is provided to all current members. A vote on the amendment(s) shall be held at the next membership meeting or by online poll. A simple majority of votes cast by the general membership is required for the passing of the proposed amendment(s).





807 East Giddens Ave

Tampa FL 33603

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